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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Studio!

It has been a busy few weeks...busy but productive! I happy to announce that my Labour of Love aka The Studio is officially complete. Ok - there a few odds and ends to finish up, but aren't there always?

I took a few shots to show off...don't judge the quality, I photograph children not walls! Next up, party planning :) Check back in a few days for information about the open house weekend!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Who Knew????

Apparently, when you start a blog you are supposed to make regular entries. Who knew? ( I will try harder to keep things current...I promise!)

It has been a busy few weeks. We are down to nailing on baseboards and trim at the studio and I am finally getting the paint out from under my fingernails. One more week, two at the most and Tara Morris Photography will officially have a new home :)

I have also been enjoying getting back into shooting sessions on a regular basis. This lovely couple was my first session of the year. I enjoyed my time with them although I think there was more chat than work. They were super brave hanging out in the sub zero temperatures and we were all happy with the results!