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Thursday, January 3, 2008


Well, here it is. The Blog I have meaning to start for the last 8 months. Nothing like a good New Year's Resolution to get one motivated! Now before we begin let's all understand that while I have a healthy working knowledge of my Canon 5D I am somewhat grammatically challenged. No pointing out spelling errors, missed punctuation or sentences that tend to go on and on and on and on....

The idea behind "The Blog" is to share sneak peeks from recent sessions and to keep everyone in the Tara Morris Photography "loop" :) The business has been growing in leaps and bounds that I felt it important to create a place where not only can you show off your most recent pictures but also where you can come to check the latest news and events.

I have been on a vacation from shooting for the last three weeks and am busy trying to wrap up 2007 business. My first session of 2008 is next week (yay!) and I can't wait to get back into the photo taking groove. So while I do not have any current sessions to show I thought I would start off the year with some of my favorite pictures from 2007. I have somehow managed to narrow down 3500 client images shot this past year to a handful of favorites (it did take a while). So keep watching The Blog over the next few days might even see someone you know!

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